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  1. Registration on this website is free
  2. Restrictions
  3. Permission to use for under-aged
  4. Forbidden content
  5. Content usage restrictions
  6. Right to delete and destroy content
  7. Content property and using rights
  8. Impunity
  9. Dismissal
  10. Responsibility restriction
  11. Termination
  12. Corrections
  13. General part
  14. Vartotojo duomenų ištrinimas

Registration on this website is free

Registration or participation on the activities of the website are free.


You have to agree that you will not use this website for any illegal purposes:

  • forbidden to post any illegal information, advertisement, compromise texts;
  • posted information cannot be insulting or harmful for any person or group of persons;
  • forbidden to break any Copyright protections, protected trademarks or license;
  • forbidden to disclose commercial secrets or other secret information;
  • forbidden to break the personal rights to privacy or publicity rights;
  • forbidden to break any law of Lithuania Republic or any other laws or international agreements.

Age restrictions

You confirm that you are adult or not under 14 year old and got the permission from parents, sponsors or any other supervising persons to use this website (or sub websites).Giving the permission for using this website for any under-aged you declare that you are responsible for all the conditions as much as they are applied for any under-aged who you are taking care of, have influence or looking after.

Forbidden content

Forbidden to store, post, send, upload, spread or transfer any content that is insulting, defamatory, obscene, pornography, sacrilegious, offensive, indecent or illegal or any other content that could be treated as crime or would stimulate behaviour that would be treated as a crime or cause any other responsibility against law.Illegal content includes but is not limited by actions such as direct threats for physical abuse, persecution, pornography and content Copyright, trademarks or using any other private content without the permission.Forbidden content also includes but is not limited:

  • programs with viruses and/or measures those break the security of this and/or other websites,
  • requests or advertising,
  • sexual services,
  • illegal activity offerings or promotion,
  • private information about any other person, such as phone number, address, personal code or any other private information and
  • double posting or mass sending out, any and all pornography or other insulting content publishing, sending out, uploading, storing, selling or spreading cases, as website administration decides about this is strictly forbidden.

It is forbidden to create a profile address including swear or racist words and any type of advertisement. Profile address should be clearly understandable (e.g. and close to the reality.

Content usage restrictions

This website is (can be named as followed in this document: "", "we", "us" or "our") property.No content can be refreshed under any conditions from this website, published once more, uploaded, published, transferred or distributed.Content modification or using for any other purpose is Copyright and other private rights violation.All trademarks, service trademarks and trademark names those are presented on this website are property or has the right to use them.

Right to delete and destroy content is keeping the rights to remove and destroy any content from this website, that violates these conditions.But you agree that will not be responsible for any content that is presented by any person publishing, reviewed, transferred, renewed and/or spread on this website,verifying, controlling, editing and/or monitoring.

Content property and using rights

You declare and ensure that you are the only owner of all the rights to your published content (including all other related rights) or that you have absolute right and licensing to this content,as it is set in this part. Despite the fact that published content Copyrights will remain your property, You agree that all your published content will become the part of database, will be protected and used unlimited time and that it would become the part of databaseand author rights to translated content owner pieces. Besides it is given up all rights to the content including moral rights, private rights and publicity rights.Nor, nor any other third party using the content with the agreement with this part will not be obliged to pay you author right fee or any other payment for using the content.


You agree to compensate the damage, keep the team innocent and protect them, also license owners and rights assignee (generally "protected parties) from any and all claims,compensations, loss, costs and responsibility (including reasonable fees for attorney and court costs), resultant from or related with non-compliance of this agreement from your or any other person side, operating under your instruction, assignment and control including but not limiting your or any other person's who is using your password, published content publication, spreading, displaying or using any other way.


You and your children, inheritors, right successors and heir right gainers refuse for in are dismissing and refusing forever to put and any other protected sides to the court for any damage or loss that is apparently appearing for any your provided content publishing or using,including but not limiting any damage or loss that you can experience reviewing, uploading any content of this website.You agree to forgive any and all claims that you have or could have for, that comes from using and/or continuous using of this website, no matter if you know about them or not and refuse the right to use the part and it's given privileges, also similar statuses, rules and orders.

Responsibility restriction

No circumstance including but not limited by neglect, will not be responsible for special, side, direct, indirect, criminal or resulted loss either compensation for them,that comes from You using or not being able to use this website, but any other website content, services, functions, products and/or any other related program equipment even if or it's authorized representative were warned about the probability of such compensation.The applicable law cannot give the responsibility or side/resulted loss compensation restrict or exclude, that is why the restriction that is mentioned earlier cannot be applicable for you.

Termination is keeping the right to terminate Your access to this website for not following the rules or law, either if decides so for any other reasons, without the warning, without the cause and without the can terminate the services that are offered on this website at any time without warning, without cause and without responsibility. You agree that your relying on the continuity of these services is not reasonablebecause has the right to terminate services or your membership because of any reason, warning and responsibility.When terminates the existing of this website, You recognize and agree that can decide on it's own how to eliminate all the content and information in any possible way.When any of the parties terminates the agreement You have to destroy all the content that you got from this website.

Corrections keeps the right from time to time to change, correct, add or delete any conditions of the website at any time without warning and your continuous using of this website means your agreement with these changes, corrections, additions or erasure. If you think that these term changes are not acceptable for any reasons,You agree to end using this website.

General part

You agree that the using and registration rules in this website and all the other related issues or other content related to this website would be regulated and interpreted under the laws of the Republic of Lithuania.You agree that we, our inheritors, right successors can fulfil these using rules for your and your inheritors, under-aged heir and rights successor disadvantage.You agree that is any paragraph of these rules in this website becomes invalid or impracticable that will not affect the rest of the rules of using this website, they will remain valid and feasible.These terms and additional conditions for using this website, published on, concludes all the agreement between the parties and completely changes all the written or oral previously made agreements.These terms and additional conditions for using this website, published on, cannot be edited except how it was described previously.Refusal of non of the parties, no matter expressed or only implicit but any part of use terms and additional agreements, published on refusal violation will not mean continuous refusal of that part or any other use terms of this website refusal.

Vartotojo duomenų ištrinimas

Jeigu vartotojas nori ištrinti savo duomenis iš sistemos jam tiesiog reikia prisijungus į savo anketą, paspausti Nario meniu esančiuose nustatymuose kairėje lango pusėje matomą mygtuką „Trinti anketą“. Dėmesio! Panaikinus anketą ji pašalinama iš sistemos nebeatstatomai.
Šis video Jums padės pašalinti anketą!

Respect others as You would like to be respected.